lots of thingcoins

Since splitting from Agile World, UbiNET Inc. has had a difficult time overcoming the scaling issues and funding of its worldwide IoT3 platform. The release of the ThingCoin is a clear indication of movement towards a viable POC in a city state and we are excited to see how our little sister develops in the coming years.

Full Press Release – https://ubi-net.us/thingcoin-as-a-saft-release-schedule-now-in-tranche-1/

UbiNET Inc. has decided to offer the ThingCoin as a SAFT (simple agreement for future tokens) Token as such are expecting the early release of 10,000,000 tokens to be focused on gamification while 70,000,000 will be released according to the following schedule.

UbiNET release will consist of six tranches;

  1. 10,000,000 tokens to advisors and friends – in progress
  2. 25,000,000 tokens to crowdfunding (TBC)
  3. 5,000,000 tokens to partners and affiliates
  4. 35,000,000 tokens to crypto exchanges (TBC)
  5. 5,000,000 tokens to charities and organisations
  6. 20,000,000 held by UbiNET Inc.

Agile World is hopeful of seeing some Tokens in tranche 1 & 3.